Abandoned Places
Abandoned places in the New Hampshire White Mountains. This work focuses on the abandoned villages, granite quarries, lost mountain settlements, and forgotten 19th century hill farming communities that are scattered throughout the White Mountains. Many of these communities were abandoned in the early 1900s. And today the cellar holes, graveyards, and stone walls that remain in the forest help tell the story of a long forgotten era.
Five Historic Sites To Visit, White Mountains

Five Historic Sites, White Mountains - Many historic sites in the New Hampshire White Mountains are well known among locals and tourists while others remain forgotten deep in the forest and probably will never be rediscovered. The known sites can help create awareness for historic preservation....[Continue reading] ...
Village of Livermore, New Hampshire

Village of Livermore, New Hampshire - The abandoned logging village of Livermore is in the New Hampshire White Mountains. Incorporated by the state of New Hampshire in 1876, Livermore was a logging town in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The village was located along the Sawyer River Railroad, on the Sawyer River, in the White Mountains. Both the railroad and town were owned by the Saunders family. At its peak, the population of Livermore was around 150-200 people, ...
Sandwich Notch Hill Farming Community

Sandwich Notch Hill Farming Community – The abandoned Sandwich Notch hill farming settlement is in the New Hampshire White Mountains. During the early nineteenth century, thirty to forty families lived in Sandwich Notch. A few Notch farms did strive, but the rocky terrain of Sandwich Notch was poor for farming, and it is no surprise that by 1860 only eight families remained in the Notch. Many families in the area left their farms and headed West to where farming was ...
Abandoned Redstone Granite Quarry

Redstone Granite Quarry, New Hampshire - The Redstone Granite Quarry is an abandoned granite quarry on the side of Rattlesnake Mountain in Redstone, New Hampshire (part of the town of Conway). The quarry opened in the late eighteen hundreds, closed in the nineteen forties and at one time employed over three hundred men. The history of the quarry has....[Continue reading] ...
Abandoned Elbow Pond Community

Abandoned Elbow Pond Community - A few years ago, I documented the abandoned Elbow Pond cabin community in Woodstock, New Hampshire. This small community was in the area immediately surrounding Elbow Pond, and should not to be confused with the nineteenth and early twentieth century farming settlements that were once in the area....[Continue reading] ...
Abandoned Stoves, White Mountains

Forgotten Stoves, White Mountains - New Hampshire is rich with history, and each history buff is drawn to certain parts of the history. I love the variety of artifacts that remain in the White Mountain National Forest. And today, I am going to share a few of the unique stoves (considered artifacts) I have photographed over the years....[Continue reading] ...
Mt Willard Section House, Crawford Notch

Mt Willard Section House, Crawford Notch - Above is the historic Mt Willard Section House (c. 1900) and the Willey Brook Bridge along the old Maine Central Railroad in Crawford Notch, New Hampshire. Completed in August 1875 by the Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad, the building of this railroad was an amazing accomplishment in the 1800s, but to also build a house on the edge of it makes this an incredible story...[Continue reading] ...
Nansen Ski Jump, Milan

Nansen Ski Jump, New Hampshire - Located along Route 16 in Milan, New Hampshire is the Nansen Wayside Park, which is home to the historical Nansen Ski Jump. Built in 1936 the Nansen Ski Jump at one time held major ski championships. And in 1938 the first Olympic Trials were held on the site...[Continue reading] ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.