Posts Tagged: autumn foliage
The 2017 Autumn Foliage Season

The 2017 Autumn Foliage Season – What a strange autumn foliage season we have had here in the New Hampshire White Mountains! The foliage was hit or miss in most areas, and even though we are past peak, there are still some nice pockets of colorful foliage. And for the weather, this could end of up being the second warmest October on record. Boy, I hope we have snow this winter season...[Continue reading] ...
Roadside Autumn Scenes, White Mountains

Roadside Foliage, White Mountains - Here in the New Hampshire White Mountains the autumn foliage is an unforgettable site. Today’s blog article focuses on roadside attractions in the White Mountains region that offer great photo opportunities. The included images are from past years...[Continue reading] ...
Nature In Its Grandest Form

Harvard Brook - Lincoln, New Hampshire USA As I look at these images, I realize just how much I appreciate the simple scenes of the White Mountain National Forest. Even though both locations are only minutes off the beaten path, they represent nature in its grandest form. No sign of human impact anywhere, mankind is completely absent. Many nature lovers would consider this to be a perfect setting ...
2012 New Hampshire Foliage Season

East Branch of the Pemigewasset River - Lincoln, New Hampshire Northeast Foliage season is in full swing - The New Hampshire White Mountains region is exploding with color! Every corner of the region is displaying color, so much it is overwhelming. The roads have been bumper to bumper with leaf peepers, and every scenic pull off is jammed packed with vehicles. If you are looking to get away from the crowds, exploring one of the Northeast's backroads may be you ...
Autumn Foliage – New Hampshire

Autumn Foliage Season Images by ScenicNH Photography LLC It won't be long before New England is exploding with color! Here is a slideshow to get you in the mood for the autumn foliage season. If you prefer to view the above images in a gallery layout click here. Will it be an excellent foliage season or a poor one is usually the topic of discussion around this time of year? Its fun reading all the predictions of when peak will ...
Autumn Season

Autumn Foliage Season Images by ScenicNH Photography LLC Week of October 3, 2011: Here is a slideshow of autumn foliage from around the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Even though the color is off and looks beat up this year from Tropical Storm Irene, some nice scenes still can be found. I am not going to attempt to explain what is happening with this year's foliage, but will say it is very "off" when compared to other autumn seasons. Click ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.