Posts Tagged: autumn

2016 Autumn Season, White Mountains

Echo Lake - Franconia Notch, New Hampshire USA
2016 Autumn Season, White Mountains - Today’s blog article is just a quick update on the autumn foliage here in the New Hampshire White Mountains. As the autumn season approached this year, some weather gurus were suggesting that it could be an off year for foliage. Though the foliage seems to be behind this year this “off year” has turned out to be an excellent one. The foliage is incredible this year!....[Continue reading] ...

Autumn Foliage, Lakes & Ponds

Franconia Notch State Park - Lonesome Lake
Autumn Foliage, Lakes & Ponds - As I wait for the autumn foliage season to begin, I can’t help but wonder if the 2016 foliage season is going to be a short one here in the New Hampshire White Mountains. The weather gurus are indicating that this is going to be an off year. But a short foliage season is better than no foliage season at all....[Continue reading] ...

Bald Mountain, Franconia Notch

Travel & Tourism - Franconia Notch State Park
Bald Mountain, Franconia Notch State Park - Located a short distance from Echo Lake, which I wrote about last week, in Franconia, New Hampshire is another great location where photographers will have no problem creating images. Even though some hiking has to be done to reach the summit of Bald Mountain the views of Franconia Notch are worth the short hike.....[Continue reading] ...

Echo Lake, Franconia Notch

Echo Lake - Franconia Notch State Park, New Hampshire USA
Echo Lake, Franconia Notch State Park - Many photographers who visit the White Mountains of New Hampshire are interested in roadside attractions that can be easily reached. So today I am going to share a great location, Echo Lake, in the northen section of Franconia Notch State Park....[Continue reading] ...

Tripoli Road, White Mountains

Tripoli Road - Livermore, New Hampshire
Tripoli Road, White Mountains - With autumn foliage season in full swing, this is a great time to travel the backroads of the New Hampshire White Mountains in search of the perfect autumn scene. I have traveled the backroads of New Hampshire for many years, and always seem to find interesting subject matter along them to photograph. I personally love the history attached to....[Continue reading] ...

Sandwich Notch Road, New Hampshire

The Notch Road - Sandwich, New Hampshire
Sandwich Notch Road, New Hampshire - During the early nineteenth century, thirty to forty families lived in Sandwich Notch. By 1860 only eight families lived in the Notch and by the turn of the twentieth century only one person, Moses Hall, lived in the Notch year around. Now a private residence the Hall Place is the only house left on the Notch Road...[Continue reading] ...

Autumn Foliage Viewing, White Mountains

Mount Washington Valley - Pinkham Notch Autumn Foliage
Autumn Foliage, White Mountains - Here in the New Hampshire White Mountains, the autumn season is a great time to explore the region. And today, I want to share with you some great places in the White Mountains where you can view and photograph the scenic autumn foliage...[Continue reading] ...

White Mountains, New Hampshire – Autumn

Crawford Notch State Park, New Hampshire
Lincoln Woods Suspension Bridge - Lincoln, New Hampshire September 22, 2012 - Autumn season officially starts today! The colors of the season are starting to appear here in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It is not peak foliage yet, but photographers visiting the region will have no problem finding something to shoot. Here are six locations I have photographed over the years you may want to consider for your foliage photographic journey ...

Autumn Foliage – New Hampshire

Autumn Foliage - New Hampshire
Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge - Jefferson, New Hampshire USA Quick Update September 25, 2011: Colors are starting to show in the Northern half of New Hampshire and the White Mountain region. Neither area is at peak yet, but the colors look good. Nice color can be found in the area of Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge in Jefferson, New Hampshire. The above image is from earlier this week ...

Autumn Season

Northeast Kingdom - Victory, Vermont USA
Maples - Clarity level turned down to -100 for a soft look Autumn, a new season - Even though everything really seems to be a few days (dare I say a week) behind schedule and the forests have a "beat up" look from Tropical Storm Irene, it should be another great season of image making. Some areas of the White Mountains that were near peak last year at this time are only at the early stages of changing colors ...