Abandoned Settlements

This work is part of a long term documentary project that focuses on the abandoned villages, granite quarries, lost mountain settlements, and forgotten 19th century hill farming communities that are scattered throughout the New Hampshire White Mountains. Many of these communities were abandoned in the early 1900s. And today the cellar holes, graveyards, and stone walls that remain in the forest help tell the story of a long forgotten era.

Sandwich Notch Hill Farming Community

The John Hart Home Site - Sandwich Notch Road, New Hampshire
Sandwich Notch Hill Farming Community – The abandoned Sandwich Notch hill farming settlement is in the New Hampshire White Mountains. During the early nineteenth century, thirty to forty families lived in Sandwich Notch. A few Notch farms did strive, but the rocky terrain of Sandwich Notch was poor for farming, and it is no surprise that by 1860 only eight families remained in the Notch ...

Thornton Gore Hill Farming Settlement

Abandoned Hill Farm Community - Thornton Gore, New Hampshire
Thornton Gore Hill Farming Settlement - The abandoned Thornton Gore settlement is in the New Hampshire White Mountains. Many consider Thornton Gore or the "Gore” to be the northern section of Thornton in the area of where Talford and Eastman Brooks meet. This area of Thornton Gore had a number of farms, a few mills, a school, two cemeteries, and a church. The first settlers ...

Village of Livermore, New Hampshire

Village of Livermore, New Hampshire
Village of Livermore, New Hampshire - The abandoned logging village of Livermore is in the New Hampshire White Mountains. Incorporated by the state of New Hampshire in 1876, Livermore was a logging town in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The village was located along the Sawyer River Railroad, on the Sawyer River, in the White Mountains. Both the railroad and town were owned ...