Posts Tagged: Jackman Falls

Lost Waterfalls, White Mountains

Jackman Falls - North Woodstock, New Hampshire
Lost Waterfalls, White Mountains - I mentioned in last week’s blog article that I will be spending some time this year photographing forgotten waterfalls in the New Hampshire White Mountains. The reason I will be doing this is because many of these lost waterfalls were discovered and named back in the 19th century....[Continue reading] ...

May – White Mountains of New Hampshire

May - White Mountains of New Hampshire
Scenes of May, White Mountains - The snow is gone here in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and I have finally stored my snowshoes and traction devices for the season. If you look hard enough though you still can find small pockets of snow in the forest, and of course Tuckerman Ravine still has patches of snow....[Continue reading] ...

Jackman Falls, North Woodstock

Jackman Falls - North Woodstock, New Hampshire
Jackman Falls, North Woodstock - Jackman Falls are a series of small cascades on Jackman Brook in North Woodstock. History books indicate Jackman Falls is the cascade just below the old mill dam. And I believe the remnants of the old dam are just above the cascades in the above image. Considered to be a forgotten waterfall these cascades are visited mostly by locals and waterfall hunters...[Continue reading] ...