Posts Tagged: suspension bridge removal

April 2011, Pemi Wilderness Suspension Bridge Update

Pemigewasset Wilderness -White Mountains, NH
April 2011, Pemi Wilderness Suspension Bridge Removal Update - The Plymouth State College Adventure Education Club spent a weekend in March 2011 removing roughly a 1000 lbs (+ / -) of the remaining bridge material from the 180 foot long suspension bridge site along the Wilderness Trail in the Pemigewasset Wilderness, New Hampshire ...

June 2009, Pemigewasset Wilderness Bridge Removal Proposal

Pemigewasset Wilderness - Suspension bridge
June 2009, Pemi Wilderness Suspension Bridge Removal Proposal - Here in the White Mountains of New Hampshire there is a buzz about the removal of the 180 foot long suspension bridge, which crosses the East Branch of the Pemigewasset River in the Pemigewasset Wilderness. The suspension bridge is located along the Wilderness Trail about a half mile past its junction with the Bondcliff Trail ...