Help Conserve Dixville Notch

Dixville Notch - Lake Gloriette next to the Balsams Grand Resort during the autumn months in Dixville, New Hampshire USA. (Erin Paul Donovan)
The Balsams Grand Resort – Dixville Notch, NH

A important conservation campaign is currently taken place to protect 5,800 acres surrounding the Balsams Grand Hotel Resort in Dixville Notch, NH. If you are unaware of the issue checkout the included links.

The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests has a deadline of January 15 to raise $850,000 that is needed to acquire conservation restrictions and a power line right of way on lands surrounding the Balsams. To date (Jan. 10), $745,000 has been raised and with the campaign ending in just a few days it is essential to create awareness and spread the word. 

For more information and to donate: Save the Balsams Landscape and The Balsams.

The outcome of this campaign will forever change the landscape of northern New Hampshire. What do you think, protect this land or hand it over?

JANUARY 14 UPDATE: The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests raised the $850,000 needed to conserve the land. You can read more at the above links!

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